Welcome to my Imaginarium
Come inside and discover miscellany of things I’m working on and things that fascinate me. Here you’ll find my short fiction, excerpts from my novel-in-progess, articles on topics like psychedelic science, random things I find wonderful, and musings on the Enneagram.

Featured in All is Well!
As I gear up to co-lead another yearlong Enneagram training in the Embodiment Tradition, I was honored to be featured by All is Well Wellness talking about the training and the tradition.

Ever heard of NaNoWriMo (aka National Novel Writing Month)? It’s an annual challenge to writers to write a novel (50,000 words) during the month of November. I wanted to participate this year, but I didn’t want to write. I needed to edit.

Why You Shouldn’t Take an Enneagram Test
The results are likely to be wrong, and they’ll end up creating confusion and an identification with the wrong type.

Meet a local plant: Plantain
I love introducing people to broadleaf plantain (Plantango major) for the first time.

Expanding Academic Consciousness: More Universities Step Into Psychedelic Research
As interest in psychedelic medicine grows across the U.S. and Canada, more academic institutions are venturing into research areas spanning the sciences and the humanities.

The work of mourning is never finished. It is the work that the living do for the dead.