I believe imagination is our greatest resource.
When people ask me to describe myself in one word (it’s happened a few times!), I always pick “imaginative.”
Ever since I was a child, my imagination and creative drive have fueled my movement through the world. I’ve also always had an insatiable hunger for knowledge that goes hand in hand with this creative spark.
A life of studying and a life of creativity don’t always seem to mix well, and I’ve sometimes had difficulty seeing how they connect for anyone outside of myself. My interests – horror film, medicinal plants, science fiction universes, meditation, psychedelic culture, Romantic literature – are obviously fascinating to me, but how in the heck do some of them connect?
The throughline is creativity.
Creativity is the birthright of every human. It’s how we show up during our earliest days as we shape our minds to fit the world. And too many of us have left that birthright by the wayside as we’ve tried to hammer ourselves into shapes we think we ought to take.

My work in this world is to guide people back to their essential creative selves, and to inspire them to pursue knowledge for the sake of the imagination. Because creativity is for everyone.
My years of study and training have given me a strong foundation not only to create the highest caliber of content, but also to teach and coach others to step into their greatness.
My own path as an eternal student means I am committed to nurturing the transforming practices of creativity and self-discovery, grounded in deep wisdom and accessible, compassionate support.